This week we talk Trump's battle with the GOP to collect the 1237 delegates needed to ensure the nomination, college kids flipping out over Trump's name written in chalk, Trump's worst week ever, and every other horrible thing in the Trump universe including his feud with Ted Cruz and "The Real Housewives Of The Republican Party", his back and forth and back again on abortion, and the other 20 Trump controversies that are sure to occur between now and Sunday's show. And Comedian Caleb Synan joins our panel and plus the weeks news.

And click Here to listen to the Kettle Of Fish aftershow. This Week Actor Sean Whalen stops by to talk about Living Under The Stairs.

So Join Dee, Saucey, Fern and Badger for all the Brokered Small Talk we can Verbally Retaliate into your Counter-Punching EarHoles!

1237 Or Bust! 04/10/16



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